Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trash craft; recycled/upcycled yarn

Acrylic is synthetic and with all synthetic leaks pollution into the air and water, cotton wastes tons of water organic or not and wool, well that just a crime in its self. So what is the Eco warrior knitter to do. As always hit up the thrift store. Now you can definitely find random balls of yarn lying around, but if your like me and want some good quality natural fibers I suggest hitting up the sweater rack. This a great way to get your hands on cruelty free wool in many colors. Now here's the tricky part, make sure the sweater was actually hand knitted not machine knitted, cut and pieced together otherwise you'll end up with a bunch of small pieces. You can usually tell pretty easily , i'll do a post on that some time but you can also look on line.
Now simple separate the individual pieces by cutting the small threading in between. Make sure your not accident cutting the knitting , do this under good light. Now all you have to do is unravel. Try to keep it organize by laying it going back and forth to prevent tangling. I suggest soaking the yarn in oxygen bleach or soapy water to get out any dirt or stains and to smooth the yarn out. Hang to dry, role up into a nice ball,and get your knitting needles out.

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