Tuesday, December 20, 2011

dilemmas, dilemmas? / Geting back on track

so i haven't posted anything in a very long time. Life has definitely been hectic. My partner finish his first semester of school, which is so amazing, i'm so proud of him. Eli just turned five and amazes me every day with her level of comprehension, and her ever growing imagination. She has requested to go to school, i new she would, and after much debate we decided on trying out a coop charter school for a year. i have to admit when taking the tour for open class room i was awe struck. It really was quite amazing. their was a warmth about the place , art every where. It only has about 300 or so students. We entered a k and 1 combined class as they were preparing to do tidying. There were two teachers and 5 parents in the room. so one adult per every five children, plus they really encourage peer learning. My friends son enrolled this year. The work load for the parents is intense i'm told. for you not only take part in your own child's education but make entire lesson plans, courses and activities for the entire class. not to mention planning field trips and such. I'm very excited , i want to be this involved, but at the same time i feel apprehensive. Although it is not your typical public school they are still subject to specific district standerds such as standardized testing, a full week schedule and now even homework, which might be a deal breaker. We do also have an other option. according to my friend , homeschooling parents are allowed to take advantage of the public school resources , such as clubs and part time attendance. this of course does not apply to open class room because it has a limit on the number of students. so if open class room isn't the right fit , we might try that. Though my ideal would be to have her in a montessori school twice a week and homeschooling? unschooling the rest of the week,we are not finically capable of that at the moment. Wish us luck on this bumpy road called parent hood.