Thursday, August 26, 2010

DIY Trash Crafts
Recycled Crate box play kitchen

Summer Gardening

yummy kale, the snails liked it too

Our vegetable garden was wonderful this year , though the tomatoes are barley starting to grow we have tons of squash and kale . Next year we will be in our new home with a larger garden and we'll also grow eggplants , bell peppers and chard! this was so much fun , i love to watch Eli find and pick the squash . we've sauteed them with herbs and grape seed oil, spirilized them and tossed them with raw pesto , and eaten them with hummus. As for the kale salads galore, raw kale chips and smoothies of plenty. how wonderful to eat from your own. It was also a learning experience in other ways, we gave thanks to to the apricot tree and squash plants for its gifts of fruit and recognized that the kale is a living being and thanked it for its sacrifice so that we may live.